- Tradition- Preserving and carrying forward the legacy of those who served before us.
- Professionalism– In application, appearance, attitude, and standards
- Integrity– Demonstrate honesty and fairness, developing a community partnership based on continued trust, respect and common goals.
- Compassion– Demonstrate kindness and empathy
- Responsibility and Accountability– Professionally, personally and fiscally responsible for our actions. We are caretakers of taxpayer money. We see ourselves as stewards of taxpayer dollars.
- Respect– For each other, our department and our customers, the citizens and visitors within the fire district boundaries.
- Diversity– Be open minded and responsive to the uniqueness of our community without regard to age, gender, religion or ethnic origin
- Commitment– In all department endeavors
- Teamwork– Encourage unity and a cooperative attitude
About Us
A little bit of our history...
The Liberty Township Fire Department, originally Station 291, was formed by Fire Chief Virgil Poling in 1947 to combat the increase of fires in Liberty, Taylor, and York Townships. In the 1980's Liberty Township Fire Department expanded to provide Emergency Medical Services with the purchase of a used emergency squad. With diminishing numbers of volunteers, Liberty Township Fire Department began 24 hour per day staffing in 2002. What was once 22 strong, diminished down to just 6 individuals in 2014.
Who We Serve
Our townships...
The Northwestern Fire District is funded by the existing levies currently in place by each township. Taylor Township, Leesburg Township, Liberty Township, York Township. Union County, Ohio